




而就在深圳,我们生活的这个南方城市,一场爵士大幕即将拉开。来自十六个国家和地区的二十一支优秀乐队近一百位世界顶级的爵士音乐家,将在华侨城创意文化园北区的B10空间,为我们带来十二天的爵士盛宴。我们力求在乐队选择上体现深圳作为中国文化前沿的先锋气质,体现爵士乐的开放包容与多样性, 因此在演出阵容中,既有鼎鼎大名的老牌格莱美奖得主,也有来自欧洲最当代的青年爵士音乐家;既有乐器演奏大师,也有精彩的无伴奏合声;观众们能听到非洲融合,中亚爵士,还可以信马由缰驰骋哈萨克大草原……

多年以来,我们策划过大量的音乐活动,户外音乐节,音乐厅、酒吧、商场、集市……它们在各色各样的场所中都发生过:但是我们一直有一个愿望,就是有一天能够将音乐放置在纯粹的艺术空间里来表现:它们没有特别功利的商业目的, 音乐家不再是取悦受众的表演者,更不是前呼后拥的大明星,他们得到极大的尊重,可以完全释放自己的艺术能量,观众们也得到很好的关照和爱护,他们能够方便快捷实惠地欣赏到世界顶级音乐家的表演。


同时在此也要感谢几年以来一直倾力赞助我们的好朋友,包括给我们灯光音响支持的雅歌企业,乐器支持的YAMA- HA,设备支持的233621,设计协作的黄扬设计公司、星辉印刷与印馆、村长办公厅、十方品 牌公关;还 有各大华语媒体和 That’s PRD等外文媒体带来良好的媒体支持,融通国际酒业,XTRACK等单位也给予我们很多帮助,还要感谢我们工作团队里的各位伙伴,包括Peter Lee、魏籽、张永、张鸿艺、邓博宇、莫舒敏、陈巧颖、方钰文、李玉文、刘坷、巫玮、李智、屈子仲等人。相信未来我们还有更多美好的合作。

最后要感谢的是你们,亲爱的观众朋友,你们才是这个节日真正的主人。当你们读到这些文字的时候,可能正在上班或者放学回家的路上,也可能在超市,在银行,在菜市场……无论你们身处何地,我们都希望这本小册子能够呼唤你们,从四面八方赶来,参加这场为你们度身定做的聚会:音乐无国界,甚至不需要语言。 音乐家们想要说的话,都在现场那些热力四溅的音符里。

你若是态度兼容, 用心聆听,就一定可以感受得到。

A PARTY about Jazz

Since the date of birth, jazz has been a free-flowing river. Each time it flows through no matter cities or the rural, it would nourish the land, affect the people and also changes its own appearance at the same time.

Jazz is always open and free, it can be the leading role under the spotlight in the theatre and it also can grow in the pubs and streets. Firstly Developed from the brass band of Black community in New Orleans, jazz has crossed the race and nation and become the music form exists anywhere in the world. Treating “creativity” as the supreme principle, Jazz musicians gives respect to the tradition but not limited to the beaten track, they oppose to the rigid performance and advocate free-style performance. Therefore they are always excited for the wonderful phrases created during the impromptu performances and share the surprise and ecstasy with other musicians and the audience. Within a century, the unknown music form called jazz which was originated in the folk with significant American characteristics has become one of the most substantial art forms and the worldwide cultural phenomenon. Besides, jazz festival has also turned into one of the most important cultural indicator in many major cities over the world.

Now the curtain of jazz festival is about to be opened in Shenzhen, the southern city we live in. The festival, to be held in the OCT-LOFT’s B-10 space, will feature about 100 worldwide top jazz artists of 21 excellent bands from 16 countries and areas. We have invited not only the famous Grammy Awards owner but also the instrument virtuoso and young contemporary jazz musician from Europe. In addition, audience can enjoy the wonderful a cappella chorus, central Asia jazz and the avant-garden sounds of the bands from Xinjiang, etc. With such a range of music on offer, the jazz festival strives to reflect the avant-garden temperament of Shenzhen as the forefront of the Chinese cultural and the openness and diversity of jazz.

For many years, we have planned lots of musical events such as out-door music festival and events in music hall, bar, shopping mall, market and so on. Such music events can happen in different places, but we still deeply believe that music can be played in a pure art space with no particularly utilitarian commercial purposes one day. In art space like this, the musicians are no longer the performers or super stars to please the audience. The musicians will be respected at large and unleash their art energy, while the audience can appreciate the top musicians’ performance in the world.

It comes to us as a big surprise that such dreams can be fulfilled in OCT-loft. We do appreciate the organizer of the Jazz festival – OCT-loft, for their obsessive pursuit of art and long term vision of innovation. That’s why we can have the valuable opportunity in an extremely short period to have such an extraordinary experience about art, space and music.

Here we want to express heartfelt thanks to our excellent partners who sponsor us for years, including Artco Music co.,Ltd as lighting suppliers, YAMA-HA as instruments suppliers, 233621 as equipment suppliers, huangyangdesign.com as design support, Xinghui Printing Co, mayor’s office, Sephonel Brand PR; and the media support by Chinese media and English media such as That’s PRD etc. Interwine co.,Ltd and XTRACK and other companies also help us a lot. We are deeply grateful for the support from our team members, including Peter Lee, Wei Zi, Zhang Yong, Zhang Hongyi, Deng Boyu, Carol Mok, Chen Qiaoying, Fang Yuwen, Johnny Lee, Liu Ke, Wu Wei, Li Zhi, Qu Zizhong etc. We believe we’ll have further cooperation in the future.

In the end we thank you all, our dear audience, since you are the real masters of the Jazz festival. As you read these words you may be on your way for work or after school, in the supermarket, in the bank… No matter where you are, we hope this brochure will call you to the party customized for you. It’s amazing that music has no boundaries, even no need of language. Musicians put their words into the musical notes making the temperatures rise during the live show.

We believe you can feel once you are open-minded and listen with heart.

策划人 Curators / 滕斐 Teng Fei、涂飞 Tu Fei

新闻 /News


关注 /Attention

链接 /Link

2012 OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival Website
