October 8th to 23rd, 20:00PM – 22:30PM
Venue:B10, OCT-Loft North Area
Organizer:Shenzhen OCT-Loft Culture Development Co., Ltd.
Official Website:www.octloftjazz.com  (coming soon)
Official Weibo:@OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节
Official Douban:www.douban.com/people/octloftjazz

Factory Jazz

It seemed that we presented a fairly good OCT LOFT jazz festival last year. Since then, a lot of friends are still keeping that music in mind and keeping talking about the funny stories at that time. It also had great reflections from aboard: numerous invited musicians keep e-mail or calling us to ask when to start the 2012 jazz festival. It was their thumbs-up and support that gave us motivation to organize another jazz festival. Therefore, a new jazz festival starts here again.

Bands in this year are more than last year and have more pluralistic styles. In general, they are the hard cores of jazz world with constant youthful power, energy and passion. It also fits the temperament of OCT Loft—traditions are undoubtedly good, but novelty is more prospective. Creativity is magnified infinitely here, which serves as an important benchmark.

Besides, the highlight of this year is the newly-add talks and workshops. Musicians get to share their creation concepts and knowledge with the public face to face; audiences are able to know what is jazz like in senior music critics, composers and writes’ eyes: they will share their understanding of jazz in their own perspectives including harsh critics of some phenomena in jazz nowadays. Without doubt, these talks help to narrow the distance between audiences and jazz, while improving our judgment in order to understand music in a more open and vivid way.

We hope the friends who already start wriggling and want to watch the shows to feel excited and happy when listening to the world music in a factory. A random song accidently touch your mind, might be exactly what we are expecting.

Curators : Tengfei, Tufei


新闻 /News




2011 OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival Website
