场地 Venue
深圳 B10 现场 B10 LIVE, Shenzhen
The Improvisation Unit is a distinctively arranged unit for the artists and audiences who stay until the last day of the festival, and are hungry for the unexpected.
场地 Venue
深圳 B10 现场 B10 LIVE, Shenzhen
The Improvisation Unit is a distinctively arranged unit for the artists and audiences who stay until the last day of the festival, and are hungry for the unexpected.
美国 USA
场地 Venue
深圳 B10 现场 B10 LIVE, Shenzhen
演出者 Artists
Zoh Amba – 萨克斯 Saxophone / 吉他 Guitar
Lex Korten – 钢琴 Piano
Caroline Morton – 低音提琴 Double Bass
Ryan Sawyer – 鼓 Drums
Zoh Amba
Zoh Amba 是一位来自美国田纳西州的作曲家、萨克斯手和长笛手。她的音乐是前卫、噪音和赞美诗的奇妙融合体。全球知名的音乐博客 Stereogum 称她为“当今最耀眼的前卫爵士新星之一”。
她曾求学于旧金山音乐学院和新英格兰音乐学院,并在纽约跟随美国著名萨克斯演奏家 David Murray 学习。在那之前,她大部分时间都在家附近的森林中进行作曲和萨克斯管的练习。
如今的她,已经发展出独特而强烈的个人风格。她演奏的前卫音乐里有着大量的民谣旋律、迷人的重复乐句和咒语般的神秘曲调。Amba 在 2022 年发行了四张唱片,包括由先锋爵士名家 John Zorn 担纲制作、并在其著名厂牌 Tzadik 发布的首张专辑 O, Sun,以及与钢琴手 Micah Thomas、鼓手 Tyshawn Sorey 和吉他手 Matt Hollenberg 合作的专辑 Bhakti。
她曾与多位闻名遐迩的音乐家有过合作,如鼓手 Jim White(Dirty Three)、Brian Chase(Yeah Yeah Yeahs)和低音提琴手 William Parker 等。此外,Amba 也受邀在众多知名场馆和音乐节演出,包括纽约的演出场馆 Roulette 和 Vision 音乐节、费城的 Ars Nova Presents、洛杉矶的 Angel City 爵士音乐节,以及 2023 年的 Big Ears 音乐节。
Zoh Amba is a composer, saxophonist, and flutist from Tennessee. Her music blends avant-garde, noise, and devotional hymns. Before studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, New England Conservatory and studying with David Murray in New York, she spent most of her time writing and practicing saxophone in the forest near her home. Today, her powerfully unique avant-garde music is full of folk melodies, mesmerizing refrains, and repeated incantations. Amba released four records in 2022, including her debut record O, Sun, which was produced by John Zorn and released on the prestigious label Tzadik, and Bhakti, featuring Micah Thomas, Tyshawn Sorey, and Matt Hollenberg. She has collaborated with a variety of high profile musicians such as Jim White (Dirty Three), legendary jazz bassist William Parker, Brian Chase (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), etc. Amba has also performed at well respected venues and festivals such as Roulette (NY), Ars Nova Presents (Philadelphia), Vision Festival (NY), and Angel City Jazz Festival (LA) along with a 2023 Big Ears Festival’s performance.
Lex Korten
Lex Korten 是来自纽约的一位屡获殊荣的钢琴家和作曲家。他已成为纽约当代爵士乐和即兴音乐界不可或缺的声音,也是全球爵士乐界冉冉升起的新星。Korten 曾荣登《纽约时报》和 Vogue 杂志,在诸如普利策奖得主/麦克阿瑟奖学金获得者 Tyshawn Sorey,或塞隆尼斯·孟克爵士学院国际萨克斯大赛获奖者/Blue Note 录音艺术家 Melissa Aldana 这样知名音乐家领衔的项目中也有十分亮眼的表现。
Lex Korten is an award winning pianist and composer from New York City who has become an integral voice in the contemporary Jazz and improvised music scene in his home city and a rising star in the worldwide Jazz community. Korten’s name has appeared in the New York Times and Vogue magazine, and he’s established a resounding presence in the projects of artists such as Pulitzer Prize winner/MacArthur Fellow Tyshawn Sorey, and Thelonious Monk Competition winner/Blue Note recording artist Melissa Aldana.
Caroline Morton
Caroline Morton 是一位来自纽约的低音提琴手、歌手和作曲家。其音乐风格涉猎多个流派,但主要专注于即兴和实验音乐。Caroline 是纽约 The New School 爵士与当代音乐学院的学生,期间有幸师从多位著名音乐家,如 Reggie Workman、Jane Ira Bloom、Billy Martin、Luke Stewart、Wendy Eisenberg 和 Mary Halvorson 等。
Caroline Morton is an NYC based upright bassist, vocalist and composer working within many different genres but orienting primarily in the tradition of improvised/experimental music. A student at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, Caroline had the incredible privilege of studying with esteemed musicians Reggie Workman, Jane Ira Bloom, Billy Martin, Luke Stewart, Wendy Eisenberg, Mary Halvorson, and many more.
Ryan Sawyer
Ryan Sawyer 1976 年出生于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥。自幼就广泛接触各种音乐的他,11 岁便开始了打鼓,并且从大量不同类型的音乐中汲取养分、锤炼技艺——不仅是摇滚和爵士,还有来自他家乡的 conjunto 音乐、 zydeco 音乐与朋克摇滚等。后来,为追求他所感兴趣的即兴音乐,他在 1997 年搬到了纽约。
Ryan 多年来浸淫于地下音乐和爵士场景之中,与众多高水平音乐家有过合作,包括 Marshall Allen、Boredoms、Thurston Moore、TV On The Radio、Charles Gayle、Nate Wooley 和 Rhys Chatham 等。从这些合作中累积的经验,让他在表演与编排上不断精进,并使他的鼓声拥有极为丰富的层次、动态和情绪。
Born in 1976 in San Antonio, Texas, Ryan started playing drums at 11, learning his craft through an early exposure to not only rock and jazz but also the colloquial conjunto, zydeco, and punk rock musics of his home town. He moved to New York in 1997 to pursue his interest in improvised music.
Years of peerage in underground and jazz scenes with enormously high-grade collaborators has informed Ryan’s performance and arrangements, helping to shape the output of a supremely talented musician into a rare channel of vast textures, dynamics and moods formed from drumkit alone. Ryan has played alongside Marshall Allen, Boredoms, Thurston Moore, TV On The Radio, Charles Gayle, Nate Wooley, Rhys Chatham among countless others.
葡萄牙 Portugal / 英国 UK
场地 Venue
深圳 B10 现场 B10 LIVE, Shenzhen
演出者 Artists
John Edwards – 低音提琴 Double Bass
Luis Vicente – 小号 Trumpet
Vasco Trilla – 鼓 Drums
Luis Vicente 与 Vasco Trilla 作为二重奏在 Clean Feed Records 和 577 Records 厂牌旗下分别发行了两张专辑,A Brighter Side of Darkness 与 Made of Mist。在那之后,他们与英国传奇低音提琴演奏家 John Edwards 在葡萄牙举办了一系列音乐会,得到了听众的热烈反馈,并擦出了奇妙火花。三人随即决定组成一个长期合作的乐队,并计划在今年及未来展开更多活动。这个三重奏拥抱自由爵士的创造性和即兴演奏的微妙变化,穿梭于织锦般丰富多彩的声音之中,使每场演出都独一无二且充满激情。
With two albums, A Brighter Side of Darkness ( Clean Feed Records) and Made of Mist (577 Records) released as a duo, Luis Vicente and Vasco Trilla joined forces with British legendary double bassist John Edwards for a series of concerts in Portugal. After the good chemistry between the three and the enthusiastic feedback of the concerts, the trio establishes itself as a working band with plenty of plans for this year and beyond. Embracing the creative side of free jazz with the nuances of free improvisation, the trio navigates through myriads of sound tapestries making each concert a unique and full-of-energy performance.
John Edwards
John Edwards 是一位大师级的演奏家。他令人惊叹的技巧和无限的音乐想象力重新定义了低音提琴的可能性,并大大拓展了这个乐器的角色空间——无论是在独奏中,还是与他人的合作中。他一直是许多优秀音乐家选择的合作对象,Evan Parker、Sunny Murray、Derek Bailey、Joe McPhee、Lol Coxhill、Peter Brötzmann 和 Mulatu Astatke 等都曾与他联手。“我认为 John Edwards 绝对非同寻常:在爵士乐中从未有过像他这样的人。”(Richard Williams, The Blue Moment 博客作者)
John Edwards is a true virtuoso whose staggering range of techniques and boundless musical imagination have redefined the possibility of the double bass and dramatically expanded its role, whether playing solo or with others. Perpetually in demand, he has played with Evan Parker, Sunny Murray, Derek Bailey, Joe McPhee, Lol Coxhill, Peter Brötzmann, Mulatu Astatke and many others. “I think John Edwards is absolutely remarkable: there’s never been anything like him before, anywhere in jazz.” (Richard Williams, The Blue Moment)
Luis Vicente
Luis Vicente 是一位常驻里斯本的葡萄牙小号手。他是一位非常活跃的音乐家,从纯即兴到作曲,他参与了多个风格与概念迥异的乐队。而无论在哪里,他总是带着自由的感觉在创作和演奏。
他曾与坂田明、William Parker、Hamid Drake、Michael Moore 和 John Butcher 等众多来自不同背景的自由爵士音乐家在演出和唱片录制上有过合作,并常以三重奏或四重奏的编制,活跃于欧洲和北美的各大场馆与音乐节的舞台。
A Portuguese trumpet player based in Lisbon. He’s a very active musician, playing in several groups with different concepts—from totally free to composed music—having always presented the sense of freedom, which he can never leave aside. He already played in dozens of venues, festivals across Europe and in North America. He performed and recorded with Carlos Zingaro, Wilbert De Joode, Akira Sakata, Johannes Bauer, William Parker, Tony Malaby, Hamid Drake, Michael Moore, Roger Turner, Mars Williams, Jorrit Dijkstra, Jasper Stadhouders, Mary Oliver, Paal Nilsen Love, Joost Buis, Tobias Delius, Wolter Wierbos, Frank Gratkowski, Mark Sanders, John Edwards, Paul Dunmall, Olie Brice, Marco Franco, Mette Rasmussen, John Dikeman, Luke Stewart, Alexander Hawkins, Ziv Taubenfeld, Roberto Negro, John Butcher, João Lobo, Valentin Ceccaldi, Seppe Gebruers, Onno Govaert, and Théo Ceccaldi.
Vasco Trilla
Vasco Trilla 是巴塞罗那音乐界最活跃、多才多艺和富有创意的鼓手之一。
他参与了超过 100 张专辑的录制,涵盖从自由即兴、爵士摇滚到前卫摇滚金属和氛围音乐的等多种风格,并在 Clean Feed Records(葡萄牙)、FMR Records(英国)、Cuneiform Records(美国)、Astral Spirits(美国)和 No Business Records(立陶宛)等多个知名厂牌发行。他也与众多音乐家有过合作,如 Jamaaladeen Tacuma、Mars Williams、Patrick Shiroishi、Elliot Sharp、Steve Swell 和 Susana Santos Silva 等,并在中国、巴西、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、德国等多国进行巡演。
Vasco Trilla is one of the most active, versatile and creative drummers of the Barcelona scene. He has recorded more than 100 albums ranging from free improvisation, jazz rock to progressive rock metal and ambient music. He has released albums on labels such as Clean Feed Records, Cuneiform Records, No Business, Not Two, Astral Spirits, Klopotec, FMR Records, Fundacja Sluchaj, Multikulti Project, Spontaneous Music Tribune, Raw Tonk, Creative Sources, Discordian Records, Gusstaff Records, Urpa i Musell, and Tripticks Tapes. He has collaborated with Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Ra Kalam Bob Moses, Mars Williams, Patrick Shiroishi, Elliot Sharp, Steve Swell, Susana Santos Silva, Jasper Stadhouders among many others. He has toured internationally, including China, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Norway, Poland Portugal, Germany, and so on. The key attributes of his success seem to consist of the three factors: imagination, cross-genre experience in performing music, and the constant search for expanding the limits of the instrument. In recent years, he has become one of the most solid and in-demand voices of the European free improvised scene.
场地 Venue
导演 Directors:Michael Blackwood,Christian Blackwood
年份 Year:1968
时长 Duration:58 min
语言 Language:英语 English
字幕 Subtitles:中文 Chinese
中字翻译 Subtitle Translation:童童 Rocky,炜湘 Lowi
出品 Production:Michael Blackwood Productions
制片国家 Country:美国 United States
伟大的爵士作曲家和钢琴家塞隆尼斯·孟克(Thelonious Monk)肖像两部曲中的第一部。
1968 年,布莱克伍德兄弟(Michael & Christian Blackwood)跟随孟克和他的乐队去到了纽约和亚特兰大,并用摄像机记录了这段历程。在纽约,孟克的四重奏在 Village Vanguard 俱乐部演出,还去到哥伦比亚唱片公司进行录音;而在亚特兰大,他们参加了由 George Wein 组织的一个爵士音乐节。四重奏的成员包括:次中音萨克斯手 Charlie Rouse、低音提琴手 Larry Gales 和鼓手 Ben Riley。
Part one of a two-part portrait of the great jazz composer and pianist. In 1968, we had the opportunity to spend time with Thelonious Monk and his musicians, following him in New York and Atlanta. In New York his quartet plays at the Village Vanguard and at recording sessions for Columbia Records; in Atlanta they appear at a Jazz Festival organized by George Wein. The members of the quartet were Charlie Rouse, Larry Gales, and Ben Riley.
Monk in Europe
导演 Directors:Michael Blackwood,Christian Blackwood
年份 Year:1968
时长 Duration:58 min
语言 Language:英语 English
字幕 Subtitles:中文 Chinese
中字翻译 Subtitle Translation:徐子涵 Renew,炜湘 Lowi
出品 Production:Michael Blackwood Productions
制片国家 Country:美国 United States
孟克四重奏作为 George Wein 的新港爵士音乐节巡回演出阵容的一部分,去到伦敦、斯德哥尔摩、哥本哈根、柏林、美因茨和鹿特丹演出。一路上,有多位音乐家加入到他们之中,与他们同台献艺,包括小号手 Ray Copeland 与 Clark Terry、中音萨克斯手 Phil Woods 和次中音萨克斯手 Johnny Griffin 等。
Part two of a two-part portrait of the great Jazz composer and pianist. On his European tour his quartet was joined by Ray Copeland, Clark Terry, Phil Woods, and Johnny Griffin. They traveled as part of George Wein’s Newport Jazz Festival road company to London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Mainz, and Rotterdam.
Michael Blackwood Productions
Michael Blackwood Productions(下简称 MBP)是一家由独立纪录片导演 Michael Blackwood(1934 – 2023)于 1966 年创立的独立制作公司。
在 Michael 的带领下,MBP 制作了超过 150 部关于不同艺术领域及其贡献者的纪录片,主要聚焦于建筑与建筑师、艺术与艺术家、舞蹈与编舞家以及音乐与作曲家。这些记录涵盖了超过 1000 位人物或主题,时间跨度超过 60 年——从上世纪 60 年代开始,到本世纪的前 20 年,甚至还囊括了更早期的一些资料。
这些影片既是教育和档案用途的重要文件,也为公众提供了深入了解艺术的宝贵机会。与同类纪录片相比,MBP 的作品产量庞大,内容系统且严谨,具有极高的研究价值。全球范围内有越来越多的教育机构、图书馆、博物馆和媒体机构正在获取这些影片,MBP 也致力于保存其原始素材,并将已有的内容进行修复和数字化处理。这项长期工作至今仍在继续。
Michael Blackwood Productions is an independent production company that has produced over 150 documentaries on the arts and its contributors, with a focus on architecture and architects, art and artists, dance and choreographers, and music and composers. The collection features over 1,000 participants or subjects, and spans over six decades of documentation, beginning in the 1960s and including earlier material, through the second decade of the 21st Century. The films serve as primary documents for educational and archival purposes, as well as informative and special interest pieces for the general public. A growing number of educational institutions, libraries, museums and various media outlets are acquiring the films around the world. The company is dedicated to preserving the underlying material, and digitizing its analogue portfolio. The collection itself is one of the largest and most significant of its kind.